Farms For You, By Charlotte

Today I attended a LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) Farmers meeting at Lower Drayton Farm in Staffordshire.

The day was about helping farmers to provide access to people. How do we involve you?
How do we make the most of our farms in our walks and talks, and how do we make them enjoyable for the visitor.

I came away yet again feeling inspired and encouraged. There were over 20 farmers there from all over the Midlands who have invited the public to their farms and given farm walks and talks and who have all had very positive responses from them.

Harper Adams Students
on a visit to Fordhall in March

It illustrated how people really do want access to farms, they want to learn about them and they want to understand them. Reconnection is more than a government buzz word it is ‘needed’!
I would like to say a big thank you to Roly Puzy at LEAF for organising such an important and beneficial course.

By taking Fordhall out of private ownership and by placing it in the hands of the community we are allowing that ultimate connection. We have created the structure and have created the publicity and we are now offering you the opportunity to be involved; at least as involved as you can be without actually doing the farming yourself!

If you would like to own part of Fordhall Farm take a look at our website and read through our project pages.