Eat Healthier for 2014 and support grass fed

“You are what you eat” applies just as well to cows as it does to us. Did you know there are significant differences in the quality of meat based on how the animal was fed?

Have you made a New Year’s Resolution to eat healthier in 2014? Our first one day conference ‘Traditional Nutrition Today’ will be held at Fordhall Farm on the outskirts of Market Drayton on Saturday January 18th.

For years nutritionists have warned of the dangers of saturated fats and, by implication, beef and dairy foods. But this is inaccurate says agricultural journalist and Archers editor Graham Harvey, and we agree. It takes no account of the nutritional difference between milk and beef produced the traditional way – by cattle grazing fresh pasture. New science shows clear health advantages to the traditional methods. So much so that grass-fed beef and dairy foods are becoming recognised as healthy – or “protective foods” as they were once known. Far from causing illness, they play a key role in defending the body against modern diseases says Graham. Even more so their production is now being seen as part of a land-management system that’s beneficial rather than harmful to the planet. Though methane from ruminant animals undoubtedly adds to atmospheric greenhouse gases, they play a far more important role in reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide through the carbon sequestered in the grass pasture that they graze.

Improving the soil was the very reason my father, Arthur Hollins, turned Fordhall organic and over to pasture following the Second World War. Our cattle and sheep remain completely grass fed today. They graze our pastures throughout the year enjoying a vast diversity of grasses, herbs and clovers. Not only does it keep our cattle healthy but grass-fed beef also contains a healthier balance of omega-6 fats and omega-3 fats than grain-fed beef. The ratio in pasture-fed animals is within the range known to reduce the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis and to reduce the risk of some cancers.

Our lovely tenant farmer Ben Hollins with his cows
If you are interested in the health benefits of grass fed meats, raw unpasteurised milk and other health myths and want to know more, then you will like our one day conference on January 18th at Fordhall Farm. Speakers include; Ben Pratt, anlternative Sports nutritionist; Graham Harvey, Agricultural editor of the Archers and writer; Dave Deaville, a local raw cheese maker; The Real Food Company from Alsager; and Carol Ainley, a nutritionist. Plus there will be a full guided tour of Fordhall by farmer, Ben Hollins.

Tickets are £40 and include a fantastic Fordhall lunch. To book your place please call 01630 638696 or email an enquiry to Or come and walk one of our free farm trails and see our livestock for yourself.

Happy and Healthy New Year

Charlotte x
For more information see the Facebook page for the event here Traditonal Nutrition Today